

Version 5.1 (modified)


Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.


Plans and procedures are in place to manage incidents or emergencies on farm

KL.DP.1 Key


The farm, as a whole, must present an acceptable and tidy appearance to the general public. The site management must not present a food safety, animal welfare or environmental risk

How you will be measured


The external areas around buildings and farm entrances are kept clear of rubbish, non-essential equipment and other debris


Loose wire, scrap machinery, scrap metal, PPP containers and disused tyres are managed.



A farm map must be in place

How you will be measured


Map shows, where applicable: - position and size of bird housing - access points to bird housing - any auxiliary bird areas and their purpose - the designated biosecure areas -- General site biosecure area -- Bird biosecure area(s) (plus associated range where applicable) -- For multi-age sites this shows segregation of each bird biosecure unit/house(s) and where applicable, staff facilities - first aid kit - fire extinguishers - water sources available for fire fighting (if available) - OS map reference or What3Words location of site for emergency services - watercourses, including ditches and ponds - boreholes, springs and wells, including any on neighbouring land, within 50m of the boundary - any areas of high pollution risk - bait points - all fields, including area (hectares/acres)

Farm/hatchery map



A documented plan for the effective management of serious incidents and potential emergency situations that threaten the welfare of livestock, food safety or the environment must be in place and known to those involved in farm/hatchery tasks

How you will be measured


You have considered the risks to your farm and documented the actions to be taken in the event of: - feed and/or water equipment or supply failing - fire - extreme weather - disease outbreaks which have the potential to affect other farms/the general public - reporting activist activity - pollution incident, e.g. slurry spillages or leaks - other site-specific risks (where applicable)


An Avian Influenza contingency plan is in place and is: - reviewed annually - updated when necessary - and for free range production, contains details for how to house the birds for the duration of the crop cycle without compromising the welfare standards expected for housed birds


Up-to-date relevant contact details are displayed (including out of hours phone numbers) e.g. vet, electricity supplier, Environment Agency hotline, feed and water supplier.


Key staff have access to plans.
  • Contingency/Emergency Plan
  • AI contingency plan
  • Emergency contact list



You must contact Red Tractor and/or your Certification Body immediately if a serious incident or emergency threatens the welfare of birds (e.g. stocking density breach), food safety or the environment occurs on farm.



Systems must be in place for recording, investigating and resolution of any complaints and/or sampling results that are relevant to the requirements of the Red Tractor Standards (REVISED)

How you will be measured


System includes recording the: - complaint - investigation result - action taken to prevent/stop the issue happening again

Complaint/Sample records



Farms must record if their business requires an Environmental Permit under the Environmental Permitting Regulations

How you will be measured


Permit numbers should be available on site


Permits are reflective of the species and maximum numer of that species that can be placed on site