

Governance principles

Representative: Red Tractor is the most representative UK assurance scheme. Each agricultural sector has its own board and at least one Technical Advisory Committee – the compositions of which are made up from a wide selection of that sector’s supply chain.

Balanced: Achieving balance is a crucial aspect of standard setting at Red Tractor. This is why each sector board includes representation of farmers & growers, processors and retailers.

Democratic: Every representative is treated equally at every level of Red Tractor’s governance – The Board, Sector Boards and TACs. The views of all stakeholders are encouraged and considered, and decisions are made via consensus or majority.

Who decides at Red Tractor?

Each layer of Red Tractor’s governance serves a purpose.

How we are funded

Red Tractor is a small not-for-profit company whose funding comes from two principal sources:

Delivering a cost-effective scheme that ensures your food and drink is produced safely and responsibly is a key objective for Red Tractor.