
On behalf of Stewart Houston, Chair of the Pigs Sector Board, I’m pleased to provide an update from our recent Sector Board meeting, held on 19th February. 

We discussed a range of key topics, including the ongoing development of the Enhanced Welfare standard, our ongoing work to improve assurance, and the findings of the Farm Assurance Review (FAR) report. These discussions reflect our commitment to delivering value for members, reduced audit burden and improved collaboration and engagement with members. 

Farm Assurance Review  

The FAR report, the first of its kind in 30 years, provided a comprehensive analysis of farm assurance schemes across the UK. The Sector Board discussed its implications for Red Tractor and the wider pigs sector, including how to address recommendations that require collaboration with other schemes and stakeholders. We will provide you with further details on this following the publication of the main AFS Board’s response on the 20th March.

Enhanced Welfare and Free Range Standards 

The Sector Board gave further consideration to a tiered welfare labelling for Red Tractor pork products, which could see the introduction of Enhanced Welfare and Free Range standards. There was a clear focus on delivering a practical and commercially viable solution for members and processors alike. The Sector Board reviewed proposals for the optional, bolt-on standards, which aim to provide the industry with alternative assurance routes. Taking this approach could help to minimise the number of assurance schemes and audits producers have to participate in.  

We plan on consulting on these proposals this Spring before considering whether to move forward with the tiers.  

Farrowing Systems 

The Sector Board also reviewed the evolving discussions around farrowing systems, with updates from the NPA on industry surveys and commercial reviews. While there is growing momentum for change, towards flexible farrowing systems, the Board acknowledged that challenges remain, such as planning permission and financial support for producers. The Sector Board agreed on the importance of taking time to understand the full impact on producers of the proposed technical specification for flexible farrowing systems while continuing to engage with DEFRA and other stakeholders to seek clarity and support. 

As always, the meeting reflected the Sector Board’s commitment to balancing the needs of producers, consumers, and retailers, while ensuring that Red Tractor standards remain a trusted benchmark for UK pig production.  

Best Wishes 

Grace O’Gorman, TAC Chair 

Pig Board members:

Stewart Houston – Chair

William de Klein – Processor

Heidi Deckker – Processor

Ash Gilman – Processor

Pig Producer Reps (indoor and outdoor) – x4 (including 1 x NPA rep and 1 UFU rep)

Natalie Smith – Retailer

         Charlotte Evans – AHDB Pork

Michael Putt – Pig Veterinary Society

Grace O’Gorman – TAC Chair