
The Fresh Produce Sector Board met in London on the 27th February. We began by introducing Andrew McCardy who joins the board representing Tesco, Barbara Bray who joins as the new chair of the Fresh Produce Technical Committee and Jo Miller who joins the Red Tractor team as Director of Communications and Engagement. 

Much of the agenda was dedicated to discussing the board members views on recommendations made in the Farm Assurance Review report. There was agreement from the Board that the report is positive and provides helpful suggestions that can assist in driving plans forward. There is a need to recognise sector differences and to consider retail audits and the requirement of assurance schemes to work more collectively with the wider industry to see how audit duplication can be further reduced. The thoughts and suggestions made from this Board have been collated. We will provide you with further details on this following the publication of the main AFS Board’s response on the 20th March. 

Philippa Wiltshire provided an update on Red Tractors progress against recommendations made in the Campbell Tickell report and there was a request from the Board that with the continued progress on this and Red Tractors response to the Farm Assurance review, our progress must be timely and clearly communicated to all stakeholders.  

The meeting reflected the Sector Boards ongoing commitment to ensuring there is balance between the needs of growers, consumers and retailers. The bBoard stressed the importance of ensuring this was safeguards when proceeding with our response to the Farm Assurance Review. 

Kind regards,

Lucy MacLennan,

Chair, Red Tractor Fresh Produce board

Fresh Produce board:

Sarah Blanford – Retailer

Veryan Bliss – Technical Consultant

Tim Casey – Grower and NFU

Jan Redpath – Grower and NFUS

Damon Johnson – Retailer, BRC

David Kennedy – Technical Consultant

Kelly Shields – Fresh Produce Consortium

Stephen Shields – Grower

James Lee – Grower

Phil Pearson – Grower

         Barbara Bray MBE – Independent Consultant