
Find Red Tractor at NFU Conference 2022

Next week (22-23 February) sees the first in-person NFU Conference for two years held in Birmingham, and the Red Tractor team is looking forward to being there.

Where to find us

The Red Tractor stand will be in Hall 3 of the International Conference Centre (ICC). Our friendly team will be on hand to listen to members, answer questions, and offer support.

Fast track portal sign up service

If visiting our stand, remember to ask us about the Red Tractor members’ portal.

The portal is a free, secure, online filing cabinet and allows you to upload records ahead of your routine farm assessment but can also be used at any time.

Many members are already signed up to take advantage of the benefits, saving time on the day of their assessment. Uploading documents to the portal allows your certification body to review records in advance of your assessor arriving. All information uploaded remains your property and can be edited or removed by you at any point.

Members tell us that logging on to the portal and uploading documents is quick and easy. But don’t take our word for it, here’s some of their feedback.

“It is an excellent service and means that inspection time is greatly reduced on farm.”

“My assessor could view the portal before coming on farm. By doing this he had a lot of the questions already answered before he arrived.”

“I like the portal and find it easier to feel prepared going into the inspection, as I can use the checklist to ensure all the documentation is uploaded and ready for the assessment.”

The team will be on hand throughout the NFU Conference to fast track your portal access – all we need is:

  • Your Red Tractor membership number
  • The address that’s linked to your membership

If you’re at the NFU Conference next week, we look forward to seeing you there. If not, we hope to be at many more events this year, so look out for more updates from us.