
From the Red Tractor Board

Latest update: 4 February 2025

The Red Tractor Board says:

“We welcome the publication of the conclusions and recommendations from the independent Farm Assurance Review (FAR), published on 20 January, which is the first of its kind in 30 years of farm assurance.

“We met the FAR Commissioners today (4 February) to clarify a number of points raised in the review. The Standards Committee, which reviews Red Tractor’s technical strategy and delivery, will next seek the views of Sector Boards and will then develop proposals for us to consider.

“This means the process of developing the Red Tractor FAR response is as follows:

  • Sector Boards: Red Tractor’s six Sector Boards will be meeting between 19 and 28 February to review and consider the findings and recommendations of the FAR. 
  • Standards Committee: Standards Committee will meet on 4 March to recommend a Red Tractor-wide response to The Board. 
  • Red Tractor Board: The Board will meet on 14 March to agree the Red Tractor FAR response. 
  • Publication: The Red Tractor Board will publish its response and future plans w/c 17 March. 

“Red Tractor will be unable to comment further on the FAR before then.

For more information about Red Tractor’s governance structures and decision making processes, please refer to the Governance Handbook on our website.”


Past statements:


20 January 2025

The Independent Farm Assurance Review published its report today, which can be accessed from the Promar website.

The Red Tractor Board has provided the following statement in response: 

We welcome the publication of the conclusions and recommendations from the independent Farm Assurance Review, which is the first of its kind in 30 years of farm assurance.

“From its inception, Red Tractor was set up to include most key farm sectors and all main actors in the supply chain, from farms to fork. This is why we are taking time to fully digest and discuss the meaning of the review findings internally. This includes incorporating feedback from our Sector Boards that meet over coming weeks, as they comprise representatives from every stage of the food chain including – importantly – farmers. We will be responding in full once this process is complete.”



Find out more about the Red Tractor Board