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Find out moreAdded 29 October 2021
In recent weeks the Red Tractor team has been liaising closely with farmers and grain merchants on the issues caused by the ongoing shortage of HGV drivers, making grain logistics management extremely challenging.

Today, Red Tractor’s Combinable Crops & Sugar Beet Sector Board has agreed on the following derogation for members of this scheme, relating specifically to the temporary storage deadline of 31 October 2021.
Derogation details
- For grain destined for animal feed, biofuel, export and non-food users, there will be an industry-wide derogation on the temporary storage deadline which will be extended from 31 October, up to and including 15 November 2021.
- For grain destined for human consumption, the temporary storage deadline remains as 31 October 2021.
- Any temporary storage required after 31 October 2021 for human food use, and after 15 November 2021 for all other uses, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This will be subject to an individual application for a further derogation to your certification body being approved.
- Adherence to the protocols for temporary storage – especially grain moisture and temperature as set out in the AHDB Grain Storage Guide and the use of the Safe Storage Time Calculator – remains a scheme requirement.
- The standards for the temporary holding of grain outside a building are not changed.
We hope that this derogation will bring some relief to those members affected during this time of acute supply chain disruption. As ever, the team is working hard to balance the needs of members with strict food safety requirements and extreme supply chain pressures.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us
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