Frequently asked questions
Our frequently asked questions summaries will help you understand the requirements of our standards.
All sectors
Red Tractor provides lots of useful information to help you prepare for your assessment and maintain standards.
To prepare for your assessment, you should read the standards and use the relevant self-assessment checklists. If you don’t keep some of the required records, you’ll find links to blank record templates in the standards. Remember, you don’t have to use these templates. Your own existing farm records, or, third-party supplied templates should be fine.
Click here for blank record templates.
We also provide details of the most common non-compliance issues our assessors report back to us. Click here for the top-tips on how to avoid them.
If you are a livestock producer, you will be required to have reviews and documentation signed by your registered vet. Click here for templates and other documents for vets.
The safest and simplest way to provide your Certification Body with farm assurance paperwork is to use the RED TRACTOR PORTAL.
The portal is a free, secure, confidential online filing cabinet where farmers can upload, and store documents required to demonstrate compliance to Red Tractor standards.
Click here to find out more about the Red Tractor Portal.
All farms must have a written Health & Safety policy – this is a slight advance on the legal baseline which only applies to businesses with more than five employees.
This will ensure that all Red Tractor farms have a simple, clearly defined approach to managing Health & Safety and that this can be independently verified. Given high fatality figures in the industry we believe it is essential to check policies are fit for purpose and implemented correctly.
Read our blog on keeping farms safe here.
No. You can get free support to create a Health & Safety policy on the Health and Safety Executive’s website, including a template and worked example.
- Click here for the HSE template (as at May 2022)
- Click here for the HSE worked example
The Health and Safety Executive template can fit in any agricultural setting. However, you can choose to create your own or use an alternative template if you wish.
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a coordinated and planned strategy for the prevention, detection and control of pests, weeds, and diseases.
The continuing loss of plant protection products and rising levels of resistance means that the conventional crop protection toolbox is shrinking. At the same time, many policy drivers emphasise a need for reduced reliance on pesticides.
IPM covers all harmful organisms, including weeds, pests, and diseases. IPM should encompass a wide range of activities that relate to managing crop protection and plant health from rotation, variety choice, cultivation, genetics, monitoring, mechanical, biological, and chemical control through to record-keeping.
Visit the AHDB website to learn more.
From the 1 April 2024 fertiliser containing urea must only be applied where the following requirements are met:
- Protected/inhibited fertilisers containing solid urea can be applied within any product useby/best before dates.
- Protected/inhibited fertilisers containing liquid urea can be applied with the prescribed rate of protector/inhibitor for the application, and within any product use-by/best before dates.
- In England, unprotected/uninhibited solid fertiliser containing urea can only be applied between 15 January and 31 March.
- In England, unprotected/ uninhibited liquid fertiliser containing urea can be applied between 15 January and 31 March.
- In England, unprotected/ uninhibited liquid fertiliser containing urea can be applied between 1 April and last application in autumn ONLY if agronomic justification is provided by FACTS-qualified farm personnel or advice specific for the crop has been provided by a FACTS – Qualified Adviser and been followed (see EC 9.1).
- In Northern Ireland, Scotlandand Wales, fertiliser containing urea (solid and liquid) can be applied as per relevant legislation
In 2020, a DEFRA consultation proposed the banning of solid urea fertiliser in England. Industry proposed what has been known as ‘Option 4’, an industry-based approach to preserve access to solid urea.
Red Tractor, working in association with other industry stakeholders, NFU, AHDB, AIC, CLA etc created a set of standards which would allow farmers to continue to have access to important fertiliser products. The Red Tractor validation of standards was a key part of its acceptance by DEFRA.
Growers are reminded that this collaborative industry approach will only work if growers take the time to understand the new standards and ensure their compliance. Evidence of mass non-compliance will only strengthen DEFRA’s case for an all-out ban.
This is a devolved matter. The DEFRA approach is only applicable in England. Space has been given within the standard if there is legislative movement in the devolved nations.
The Red Tractor Assessor will confirm the agronomic justification is provided by a FACTS qualified person. Professional knowledge and expertise is evidenced by qualification. Unless there is a clear error in the appropriateness of the justification, the assessor will not challenge this expert judgement.
Note: FACTS Qualified Advisors must collect CPD points and must complete an annual assessment.
This audit point is only applicable for applications of liquid urea post 1st April.
The default corrective action, agreed by the industry consortium with DEFRA is to complete the BASIS Reducing Ammonia Emissions course.
This course is a good reminder of best practices in responsible fertiliser use.
Beef & Lamb and Dairy FAQ’s
Whilst some coccidiostat products such as Deccox are classified as POM-V (meaning they can only be prescribed by a vet) and therefore requite a medicated feed prescription (MFSp), they are not considered an antibiotic and therefore the requirements of AM.2.2 for prophylactic administration of antibiotics in exceptional circumstances do not apply. A recorded rationale for the prescription is therefore not required, nor is a management review.
For MFPs, the animal ID which must be recorded can simply be “weaned calves”, i.e. the vet does not need to include individual calf ear tag numbers.
While suspected broken needles in livestock are rare, it is important that farmers have a policy in place to deal with any cases where it is not possible for it to be removed. This is an animal welfare and food safety concern.
Members can attempt to remove a broken needle from an animal themselves or seek assistance from their vet. If removal isn’t possible, members must follow a broken needle policy.
Education underpins the success of strategies to deliver improved antibiotics stewardship. Training increases awareness, enhances knowledge and understanding of antimicrobial resistance and drives consistent medicine best practice on UK farms.
It also supports vital RUMA/Targets Task Force work to deliver the UK five-year antimicrobial strategy by improving education, training and public engagement.
Visit the AHDB’s website to use a free tool to calculate your slurry requirements.
Enter basic farm information, such as herd numbers, yard and roof areas that capture rainfall, and housing periods, and the slurry wizard will calculates the volume of slurry that your farm will produce on a monthly basis.
Crops and Fresh Produce FAQ’s
Pre-2018, Red Tractor growers supplying Tesco completed Tesco Nurture as a separate assessment and received a certificate confirming their score. These requirements are now consolidated within the Red Tractor assessment process. A Tesco score is still calculated but this is only visible to the grower, the Tesco Primary Supplier (if different from the grower) and Tesco – through the XURE system. No certificate is generated.
This helps ensure we are only sharing information concerning farm assessment performance where the member has specifically consented to provide this information to another party. It also helps ensure that all interested parties refer to the most up-to-date certification information.
Residue testing provides a verification that pesticide management practices on farm are producing safe, legal product. It can also be a diagnostic tool to identify risks which are not immediately apparent.
Where customer testing provides an equivalent verification, this can provide acceptable evidence of compliance. It is important however that customer testing is providing a truly equivalent outcome. We have strengthened this standard (IM.5) to ensure that where growers are relying upon customer test results, testing is completed to the required frequency and that results are made available to farms. It is important to avoid duplication – we must also ensure robust risk management and a level playing field.
Guidance is provided within the wording to standard IM.5.g:
‘Where crops are tested less than annually, a documented, risk-based justification is present and – as a minimum – consideration is given to the following points:- historical results are available and indicate a particularly low risk of MRL exceedance- crop management practices and PPP use presents a particularly low risk of MRL exceedance and has not substantially changed since the last available test was completed- consideration is given to risk of adventitious contamination routes (e.g. legacy contamination, spray drift)- an alternative testing frequency is defined, ensuring that testing is completed at least once every three years’
The Mass Balance exercise is a demonstration of effective traceability systems. Following the ‘one up, one down’ principle, members should be able to account for all outloads from each distinct batch of product. If an issue is identified further up the supply chain, it is important that members can effectively identify where all other outloads from the same batch have gone so that further action can be taken where needed. If food safety or legality is affected, this could mean recalling product.
Implementation may be quite different between farms. Where one batch of product goes to many different customers, this could be a complex exercise. At the other end of the spectrum, where whole batches are always supplied to one customer, this may be very simple. Effective traceability and protection of food safety is integral to the Red Tractor scheme, so it is important to demonstrate that all farms can do this effectively.
There are two templates associated with standard RA.8.
All farms must complete a minimum of one self-assessment per year against the Fresh Produce scheme standards (RA.8.a) – a template for this requirement can be found here: FP-Self-Assessment.docx (
RA.8.b requires that farms complete regular internal audits to verify that preventative actions are operating effectively. Red Tractor provides a template for members to use if they wish – FP-Internal-Audit.docx ( – farms can opt to use an alternative approach if they prefer.
Pig FAQ’s
Farrowing crates are still permitted by Red Tractor however our standards around their use have been strengthened. There is pressure to move away from traditional farrowing crates, which means temporary crating has become an attractive option as it allows for the confinement of sows during the risky period – the early days after farrowing.
There is now a recommendation that where a temporary crating system is used, it is opened as soon as possible after farrowing to allow the sow to turn around freely. We have also introduced criteria for those producers adopting indoor loose farrowing systems.
Ensuring pigs are always treated compassionately is vital for pig welfare. Anyone involved in the care of pigs on farm and in transit must complete all available mandatory training modules on the UK Pig Industry Training platform. The only module available currently focuses on moving and handling of pigs.
All personnel involved in the care of pigs should have now completed the training. Any new starters must complete the available training modules within three months of starting.
The training is available on the AHDB website.
The Antibiotic Reduction Plan needs to be completed with the vet at the next quarterly vet visit at the latest.
For example, if you enter your Q1 eMB data six weeks into Q2 (by the deadline) and you’re categorised as a persistent high user on that report, you will need to do the ARP with your vet at or before your Q3 vet visit if they have already visited in Q2. If your Q2 visit is still to take place, the ARP must be done at that visit (or before).
Remember, you must use the Pig Health & Welfare Council antibiotic reduction plan template. You won’t be penalised if you remain a persistent high user, but you do need to show progress against the reduction plan.
All sites included within a membership are required to meet all of the Pigs Standards.
This means all sites within a membership must have their own fallen stock storage to comply with the requirement that fallen stock is stored in a way that prevents access by vermin and other animals, and ensures any effluent is contained within locked containers.
At least one person on the unit who is responsible for overseeing medicines must have taken appropriate training, either online or in-person. Courses completed between 1st January 2018 and 31st October 2021 do not need to be from our approved list. As long as the content of the course included the use of veterinary medicines it is acceptable, including courses that are focused on other livestock species. Completing the Safe Use of Vet Medicines module offered as part of the AHDB Stockperson Development Scheme is also acceptable. You will need to show a certificate of course attendance or completion to the assessor.
If you completed a training course before January 2018, or, haven’t yet done one, you will need to undergo training and must choose a course from our approved list.
All pig units, including outdoor units, must undertake an annual risk assessment of tail biting risk factors, even if there is no history of tail biting on the unit, if pigs coming onto the unit are already docked or pigs are reared with full tails.
Units rearing docked pigs (regardless of whether you dock the pigs yourself or receive them docked) must produce an action plan outlining measures the farm is taking to minimise the risk of tail biting and the need for docking, e.g. trailing lower stocking densities, replenishing enrichment more frequently, seeking advice from a ventilation consultant.
Note – This is different to the vice action plan in the Veterinary Health Plan which must outline actions to be taken when a tail biting outbreak occurs, e.g. remove biter pig, spray affected tails.
The purpose of this requirement is to control the entry of vehicles onto the site to limit the spread of disease. The markers need to be visible at vehicle entry points into the overall site biosecure area, not the specific internal biosecure areas within.
The standard is not prescriptive about what the visible markers should be or say – members are free to use whatever works for them, as long as it is clear to drivers that they are entering the site biosecure area.
Yes, nightlights can be used during the dark period as the overall light levels would be below 40 lux.
The standard requires that if feed hoppers are accessible to birds, measures must be in place to minimise contamination of feed stored in the hopper (not the trough/pan).
Measures may include use of hopper covers, but members may use other measures instead. If you can demonstrate that the buildings are sufficiently bird-proofed, meaning birds are not able to access the feed hoppers, then the standard is being met.
This standard has Trichinella-controlled housing conditions in mind, which place a lot of emphasis on preventing contamination of feed and limiting bird access.
Established by AHDB, the charter is an email alert system to provide producers and their vets with timely email alerts in the event of an outbreak of Swine Dysentery or Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus (PEDv). All pig members are required to sign up to the charter. You can do so through your PigHub account or by emailing
More information about the Charter, is available here.
You can find answers to questions you might have about the Significant Diseases Charter here
If pigs have no outdoor access on your farm, and all farms you source pigs from (if any) declare on their movement licences that they are applying controlled housing conditions, you may declare that your unit is controlled housing. If any of your supplying farms declare they are NOT applying controlled housing, you cannot declare you are applying controlled housing even if your unit is a fully enclosed indoor unit. If your unit is an outdoor breeding unit and piglets are weaned into indoor facilities or moved to another unit on average at or before 5 weeks of age, you may declare that your unit is applying controlled housing. If growing pigs over 5 weeks of age (excluding boars and sows) have outdoor access on your unit, your vet will need to apply the FSA risk assessment tool and the score will indicate whether your unit can be considered controlled housing or not.
Your designated vet should be able to advise you as to whether you need to undergo the FSA risk assessment or not.
The Human Slaughter Association advises that correct cleaning and maintenance of captive-bolt equipment is essential to ensure that all animals are effectively stunned. Lack of regular maintenance can significantly reduce bolt velocity and the efficiency of stunning.
The HSA advises that captive-bolt stunners should be dismantled, cleaned and lubricated after use, even if they are employed only a few times a day, or even less frequently. Back-up equipment should also be regularly serviced, even if it has not been used. You are advised to check and follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding cleaning and maintenance.