Red Tractor is a small not for profit company who’s funding comes from a variety of sources.
Find out moreHow do I join Red Tractor?
First choose one of our licensed certification bodies. They manage membership and will be your day-to-day contact.
You can see the full list of our certification bodies and the standards they can certify below. It’s easy to apply. Get in touch with them and they will send you an application pack.
Before applying, make sure you read the membership rules and the standards you must meet. These detail what you need to do and how you will be assessed.
All our certification bodies work to the same standards and procedures, and all have relevant training and experience too.
Send your application and fee to your chosen Certification Body detailing all the relevant holdings/premises. The assessment will then be arranged
- Your chosen certification body will be your day-to-day contact if you have any questions about the scheme
- You can change to another certification body which covers your sector whenever you want
- If you have any issues with your certification body, then please drop us an email at:
For the Red Tractor Farm Assurance Dairy Scheme there is a different application process. It is mainly done through a First Purchaser. If you are a dairy farmer, your First Purchaser will choose your certification body.
If you are a First Purchaser or producer processor and wish to join the scheme, you must apply directly to Red Tractor. Call 0203 617 3670 or email us at:
How do we work with certification bodies?
Certification bodies manage our schemes and carry out assessments on our behalf.
We have rules and procedures to ensure they all offer the same standards of service, and their assessors have relevant training and experience by:
- Managing applications and renewals
- Assessor qualifications and training
- Dealing with non-compliances
- Issues management and acting on intelligence from third parties
We also monitor and supervise our certification bodies, and their assessors, to measure their performance. If a certification body loses the entitlement to conduct independent auditing under the scheme their information will be publicly available on this website for at least 12 months after their last audit.
In addition, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) assesses all our certification bodies to ISO 17065. That means UKAS also monitors their performance through annual office inspections and shadow audits.
We work closely with UKAS to ensure their own auditors check that Red Tractor Assurance requirements are being met. We provide guidelines for the UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies that we work with.
The list of certification bodies and the on farm standards they can certify is below. Simply call or send an email to your chosen certification body to request a application pack. You can request a pack from more than one certification body.
Certification Body |
Beef & Lamb |
Dairy |
Dairy Goats |
Crops & Sugar Beet |
Fresh Produce |
Pigs |
Chicken |
Turkey |
Ducks |
Intertek SAI Global01908 249973 |
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NSF01993 885610 |
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NIFCC (N Ireland)028 9263 3017 |
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QWFC (Wales)01970 636688 |
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The list of certification bodies and the supply chain standards they can certify is below. Simply call or send an email to your chosen certification body to request a application pack. You can request a pack from more than one certification body.
Certification Body |
Livestock Transport Scheme |
Poultry Catching & Transport Scheme |
Livestock Markets & Collection Centre Scheme |
Meat & Poultry Processing Scheme |
Safe Haven |
Intertek SAI Global01908 249973 |
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NSF01993 |
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NIFCC (N Ireland)028 9263 |
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In this section
How we are funded
How Red Tractor Assurance works
Read a step-by step guide to how Red Tractor Assurance works and our Membership Rules
Find out moreReap the rewards with red tractor
Find out how you benefit from being a Red Tractor farmer.
Find out more