

Version 3.0


Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.


Complete documentation is carried with livestock to ensure traceability between destinations

TP.CM.1 Key


The vehicle must be fit for purpose and of suitable design for the species being transported


Ramps must be constructed in a manner that prevent injury and escape



The vehicle/ ramp must have secure sidegates to reduce the risk of livestock escaping



Ramps (internal and external) must be designed in such a way to minimise livestock slipping or falling when climbing or descending

How you will be measured

  • Ramps are fitted with foot battens of a suitable material
  • Flooring is complete
  • The steepness of ramps (internal and external) is minimised as far as possible, but does not exceed:
    • adult cattle and sheep – 26°34'
    • pigs and calves – 20°



Steps (from the ground onto a ramp, and from the ramp onto the truck body) must not stop animals from moving freely forward

How you will be measured

  • Steps on to the loading ramp are not excessive and do not cause the ramp to be unstable
  • Where the vehicle does have steps, livestock are handled with patience and given the necessary time and space to negotiate them


Livestock vehicles (including trailers, containers) must be fit for purpose; appropriately designed, constructed, maintained and operated to prevent injury to livestock

TP.CM.3 Key


The interior of the livestock vehicle must be constructed and maintained to provide a safe environment for livestock

How you will be measured

  • No sharp edges, projections or other hazards
  • Electrical / mechanical installations inaccessible to livestock
  • Lights are protected with plastic coverings

TP.CM.4 Key


Floors must be constructed and maintained in a manner that minimises the risk of injury

How you will be measured

  • Flooring is non-slip, chequer-plated (or similar)



Partitions and fixings must be provided to allow the vehicle to be split into compartments

How you will be measured

  • Partitions used to generate pens of suitable size for the type, size and number of animals
  • Fixings allow quick and easy operation



Partitions must be appropriately designed, constructed and positioned

How you will be measured

  • Appropriately designed and positioned to avoid animals jumping over them or limbs/ body parts becoming stuck under the partition
  • Partitions are of a strong enough construction that they can withstand the weight of livestock, without causing injury
  • Partitions are complete, with no sharp edges



It is recommended that partitions are used to create the pen lengths specified

How you will be measured

  • For calves a maximum pen length of 2.5 metres
  • For pigs and sheep a maximum pen length of 3.1 metres
  • For adult cattle a maximum pen length of 3.7 metres



The vehicle must be designed and operated to minimise the risk of animal body parts being trapped in the gap between the floor of any decks or moving parts and the outer skin of the vehicle

How you will be measured

  • Operators are aware of the moving parts that could trap animal body parts and manage the risk appropriately



The vehicle must be appropriately and effectively ventilated

How you will be measured

  • Ventilation system is adjustable and is adjusted according to need



The vehicle and any trailers must be roofed to protect animals from inclement weather



Any water and feeding stuffs stored on the vehicle, must be stored in a way that protects it from contamination

How you will be measured

  • Contamination sources may include dust, fuel, exhaust gases, road water and animal faeces



The exterior of the livestock vehicle must be maintained in a good condition

How you will be measured

  • Exterior is maintained in a manner that enables it to be easily cleaned



The exterior of the livestock vehicle must indicate that it is being used for livestock transport

How you will be measured

  • Indicated by signs, paintwork, indication of business activity in name or similar


An ability to check livestock whilst on board, must be available, in order to protect animal welfare



Vehicles must have a means of inspection and access to all livestock

How you will be measured

  • Methods to carry out inspections of livestock may include (but is not limited to):
    • access by a separate inspection door or the tailboard
    • ventilation flaps
    • on-board camera



Artificial lighting must be available at all times, to allow the inspection of all livestock

How you will be measured

  • Functioning lighting that enables livestock on each deck, in each compartment to be seen
  • Lighting consists of fixed internal lighting or a torch with a suitable beam


Livestock vehicles (including trailers, containers) must be of sound construction to enable biosecurity risks to be minimised



The interior of the livestock vehicle must be constructed of suitable materials and be maintained to enable effective cleaning

How you will be measured

  • Vehicle constructed of surfaces that can be easily cleaned
  • Any wood on either the interior or exterior of the vehicle is complete



A system must be in place to minimise the leakage of faeces and urine

How you will be measured

  • System includes (but is not limited to):
    • vehicle design preventing leakage
    • the use of an intact sump, that contains all liquids
    • the use of absorbent bedding materials to absorb liquids


Regular maintenance checks are made and faults resolved to ensure the vehicle remains fit for purpose



A system must be in place to ensure maintenance needs are identified

How you will be measured

  • The driver carries out a visual daily check of the vehicle (internal and external), prior to use
  • Where the same vehicle is used by the same driver, internal checks may be undertaken at the end-of-day after the last wash-out, or prior to the next use



Where a maintenance need is identified, it must be recorded and rectified

How you will be measured

  • Maintenance needs identified in the daily checks (or identified at other times) are recorded
  • If the required maintenance could cause injury to livestock, or makes the vehicle unfit for purpose, the compartment/ trailer/ vehicle is not used until the issue has been rectified
  • Maintenance records include the:
    • date the maintenance need was identified
    • a summary of the issues found/ maintenance needed
    • the actions taken
    • date and sign-off of completion of rectification

Maintenance records