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Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)
Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification
New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to
Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before
Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard
Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.
This icon indicates that a record is required.
Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.
The site perimeter and grounds must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition
How you will be measured
- Vegetation is managed
- Rubbish and redundant equipment are kept in designated areas, separate from the lairage, livestock feed, packaging storage and food production areas
- Rubbish does not accumulate
The premises must be designed, fabricated and finished in a manner suitable for its intended purpose and protect product from contamination risks
How you will be measured
- The building is designed to prevent the entry of pests, minimise the accumulation of dirt, condensation and mould, and avoid the shedding or flaking of paint
- Windows and doors capable of being opened are screened and protected to prevent the entry of pests
- Glass windows in production and storage areas are protected against breakage
- Air conditioning/ ventilation equipment is not a cause for contamination
- Drains in the production and storage areas are fitted with covers and traps, to collect meat/ materials and prevent the entry of pests
- Waste water does not accumulate within the facility
Equipment must be constructed of materials suitable for food production and designed to allow thorough cleaning and disinfection
Designated, suitably designed changing and toilet facilities must be provided for all staff and visitors
How you will be measured
- Facilities allow direct entry to production without having to go through any external areas
- Toilets do not open directly into storage and food production areas
Facilities must be provided to segregate clean protective clothing, from all other clothing and personal items
How you will be measured
- Facilities allow the storage of outdoor clothing and personal items, separate from site protective clothing
- Clean and dirty protective clothing is stored separately i.e. in separate containers
Handwashing and drying facilities must be provided at all access points to food production, storage and packing areas
How you will be measured
- Hand washing facilities include water at a suitable temperature to encourage handwashing, non-perfumed soap and hand sanitiser
- Facilities are not hand operated, i.e. the facilities are knee, elbow or sensor operated
- Drying facilities include single use towels or electric hand driers
Smoking is only permitted in designated areas
Controls must be in place to prevent contamination of product by wood
How you will be measured
- Wood, including wooden pallets are not used in areas where there is open food (production or storage), unless it is shrink wrapped
- Wood is kept in designated areas
Controls must be in place to prevent contamination of product by glass and brittle materials
How you will be measured
- Glass and brittle materials not allowed in open food areas unless they have been protected
- A record of where glass or brittle materials are in place on-site is kept and the items regularly checked for damage
- the frequency of checking is determined by location and risk
- damage is investigated, repairs undertaken where applicable and recorded
Glass/ brittle materials record, damage record
A documented procedure for the handling of glass and brittle material breakages must be in place
How you will be measured
- Procedure is known to relevant staff and implemented as necessary
Documented procedure
Controls must be in place to prevent contamination of product by metal implements such as knives, blades, needles and wires
How you will be measured
- Knives, scissors, blades are identified (i.e. number, initials) and recorded on a register
- A system of daily checks for knife damage and reporting of damage or loss to the line manager is in place
Knife register
A documented procedure for the damage or loss of metal implements must be in place
How you will be measured
- Procedure is known to relevant staff and implemented as necessary
Documented procedure
Controls must be in place to prevent contamination of product by metals used in packaging and documentation
How you will be measured
- Drawing pins, staples and paper clips are banned from production areas
- Pens in use in production areas are metal detectable, all-in-one type
Controls must be in place to prevent contamination of boneless products by bone
How you will be measured
- Not applicable to bone-in products
Where other potential contaminants are identified, controls must be in place to prevent contamination
How you will be measured
- Contaminants other than those listed above, as identified by the site
The site must have an effective pest control system in place
How you will be measured
- System includes, but is not limited to, site proofing, baiting, trapping
- Evidence that control systems are effective through regular checks for vermin activity
- The procedures put in place are documented in a Pest Control Plan
Pest control plan
The Pest Control Plan provides details on how vermin is managed and monitored
How you will be measured
- The plan includes a site map that details current positions of bait points, electric fly killers, pheromone traps, etc.
- Bait points are numbered
- The plan details the frequency and type of inspections
- Pest control devices e.g. electric fly killers are positioned to avoid flying insects crossing processing areas
- U.V. tubes are designed to contain glass should a breakage occur
The pest control system must be managed by competent people
How you will be measured
- Managed by either a competent pest control contractor or a nominated trained staff member with the accountability to make decisions
- Contractor competency demonstrated by membership of the BPCA, accredited membership of the NPTA or by the pest controller holding a relevant qualification
Where baits are used, they are suitable for use and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
How you will be measured
- Baits used are legally approved products, for the area that they are being used (as indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions)
- Baits are palatable to vermin i.e. not mouldy or decayed, and replaced as recommended by the manufacturer’s instructions
- Baits used are suitable for the target species
- Baits are secure and inaccessible to non-target species
Pest control inspection reports must be kept and regularly reviewed to improve compliance
How you will be measured
- Results of pest reports are reviewed and analysed for trends
- Reports demonstrate that the site is actively managing pest control with no non-managed recurring issues
A risk assessed, cleaning schedule is implemented
How you will be measured
- Schedule outlines the site area/ equipment to be cleaned and the frequency of cleaning
Risk assessment
Documented procedures for cleansing and disinfecting the site must be implemented
How you will be measured
- Documented procedures outline the methods of cleaning for each site area/ equipment, chemicals, responsibilities
- Cleaning methods include cleaning as you go and deep cleaning
- The procedures are implemented to ensure a site area/ equipment that is of suitable visual cleanliness
Cleaning schedule
Facilities must be provided for the cleaning of equipment and disinfection knives
How you will be measured
- Equipment includes machines, tools, utensils cutting boards and trays
- Facilities to disinfect knives by water or chemical means are available
- If the disinfecting facilities are “water only” the facility enables blades to be fully immersed, the water is changed regularly and the water has a minimum temperature of 82°C
- When temperature of water or chemical concentration are important factors in the effectiveness of cleaning/ disinfecting, water temperature/ chemical concentration is regularly monitored
Checks must be in place to verify that knife sterilisers function at correct temperatures
How you will be measured
- Where the check identifies non conformity, the root cause is determined and corrective action is implemented
Corrective actions
Prior to the commencement of production, a visual cleanliness check of the area and equipment must be undertaken
How you will be measured
- Responsible staff undertake the checks
- Where issues are identified, the root cause is determined, corrective action is implemented and records kept
Corrective actions
A programme of testing must be in place to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning procedures
How you will be measured
- Testing reports are trended and reported to senior management
- Methods include rapid ATP or protein swab testing
- Where testing identifies an issue, the root cause is determined and corrective action is implemented. Where appropriate, the cleaning procedure is adjusted and preventative action plans put in place
Testing reports
Chemical products must be suitable for use and used in accordance with manufacturer instructions
How you will be measured
- Only food grade chemical products are used in food production and storage areas
- Products are used as they were intended, in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended dilution rates and other instructions
- Products carry an appropriate label allowing easy identification
- COSHH data sheets for chemicals in the store are held
COSHH data sheets
Chemical products must be stored appropriately
How you will be measured
- Cleaning chemicals have their own designated, lockable storage areas (cage/ room) away from food and packaging
- Storage areas are kept locked when not in use
- Access to chemicals are limited to employees that are trained and authorised to use the chemicals
- Food grade and non-food grade chemicals are stored separately
Training records
Water and ice used in food production or for cleaning must be safe for use
How you will be measured
- All water and ice is from a potable source
- A programme of microbiological and chemical testing of water and ice is undertaken at a frequency based on risk and previous results. Samples are taken from random outlet points (e.g. tap, hose end)
- Water and ice test results are trended
- Where a test identifies an issue, the root cause is determined and corrective action is implemented
Testing schedule, results and corrective actions
A map of the water supply must be kept
How you will be measured
- A schematic map of the water supply and water points on the site
Water supply map
Gases used in packed product must be food safe and purchased from approved sources with a certificate of conformance
How you will be measured
- Documentation from supplier confirms suitability for food use and certification information
Gas safety certificates
A documented plan for planned, preventative maintenance of buildings and equipment must be implemented
How you will be measured
- Plan details:
- location (site area or equipment name and location)
- frequency of planned maintenance
- Frequency of planned maintenance based on risk assessment and manufacturer’s instructions
Maintenance plan
Maintenance procedures must be carried out in a manner that poses no risk of product contamination
How you will be measured
- Applies to planned maintenance or emergency and temporary repairs
- Where maintenance occurs in situ steps are taken to reduce the risk of contamination, including, but not limited to:
- tool control, i.e. checking of tools in and out of the area
- removal or protecting product or work areas from contamination
- removal of lighting units from the processing area in order to replace glass tube bulbs or use of shatterproof or protected bulb
Lubricants used on equipment used in the food production and storage area must be suitable for food contact and free from allergens
Following maintenance, the area or equipment is clean and free from contamination risks
How you will be measured
- Following maintenance the production area is cleansed and disinfected
- A hygiene clearance check with documented sign off is completed before production recommences and the area or equipment is used
Hygiene clearance check
A record of all maintenance carried out and subsequent hygiene clearance checks must be kept
How you will be measured
- Maintenance records:
- include the name of the person/ company that undertook the maintenance
- state the maintenance undertaken, and the date of the maintenance
- the date of the hygiene clearance check
Maintenance records
On-site product testing laboratories must be suitably located and designed
How you will be measured
- The laboratory is:
- separate from the production area
- designed and operated so that it poses no risks to product safety
- Operation controls include restricted access, protective clothing, sampling procedures and disposal of laboratory waste
On-site laboratories are managed by competent staff
How you will be measured
Staff are trained and qualified
A calibration schedule for all relevant equipment must be in place and implemented
How you will be measured
- The schedule is based on risk assessment and manufacturer’s instructions
- The schedule is specific to equipment on-site, and documented
- The schedule covers all equipment used that is critical to food safety and legality
- The schedule details equipment identifier, location and frequency of calibration (legislation and manufacturer’s recommendations)
Calibration schedule
Documented procedures for carrying out the calibration of equipment must be followed
How you will be measured
- Procedure outlines:
- calibration method
- the parameters and critical limits for each piece of equipment
- actions to be taken in the event of critical limits being exceeded
Documented procedures
Where the calibration identifies equipment to be operating outside of its specified limits, the root cause must be determined and corrective action implemented
How you will be measured
- Root cause determined for critical equipment
- Corrective action implemented as per the documented procedures
Calibration results must be recorded and issues rectified
How you will be measured
- Records kept detailing the result, the name of the person/ company that undertook the calibration and, where relevant, the root cause and corrective actions
- Equipment labelled with date of calibration, or identified and a corresponding record of calibration kept
Results and corrective actions
All storage facilities must be maintained in a clean, hygienic condition and be fit for purpose
How you will be measured
- No visible signs of contamination
Products must be stored in suitable facilities
How you will be measured
- Redundant equipment stored separately to product and packaging storage areas
- Packaging stored separately to raw materials, food products and chemicals
Product must be stored appropriately to minimise the risk of cross contamination
How you will be measured
- Food products have no direct contact with the floor:
- exposed carcases and quarters hung
- cuts of meat packed in containers and covered
- boxed products are not placed directly on the floor (impervious pallets/ clean polythene sheeting are used)
- Carcases are not routinely in direct contact with the wall, other products are not in direct contact with the wall at any time
- No dripping of condensation onto exposed products
- Wood, including wooden pallets, are not used in areas where there is open food (production or storage), unless it is shrink wrapped
Systems must be in place to ensure that product (including work in progress product) is held at the correct temperature throughout the production process
How you will be measured
- The required temperatures for the various production areas are known
- Temperature is regularly monitored, using suitable methods:
- chillers are alarmed (audible or visible), or
- monitoring is of sufficient frequency (including weekends/ bank holidays if in use) to ensure temperatures are not exceeded
- Corrective actions are taken in the event of a temperature failure
- Documented procedures detail the system
documented procedures
Systems must be in place to ensure finished meat products do not exceed the required temperatures
How you will be measured
- The operational capability of the temperature control system is such that the required temperatures are achieved under maximum load
- Cutting rooms are temperature controlled with an ambient temperature of not more than 12 deg. C or a risk assessed system that minimises the time that product is kept in the cutting room, is in place
- Risk assessed system may include bringing meat into the work room progressively
Finished meat products must not exceed the maximum required temperatures whilst on site
How you will be measured
- Temperatures of chilled products do not exceed:
- 7 deg. C beef, lamb and non-assured pork
- 5 deg. C assured pork
- 4 deg. C fresh poultry and cooked meats
- 3 deg. C fresh offal
- 4 deg. C sausages, burgers
- 2 deg. C minced meat
- Temperatures of frozen products do not exceed:
- -18 deg. C Assured frozen pork
- -12 deg. C other frozen meats
- Applies to finished products during storage and dispatch
Records of all temperature monitoring including any corrective action undertaken must be kept
How you will be measured
- Product temperatures are regularly monitored including during weekends and bank holidays if manual monitoring methods are used
Procedures to ensure food is transported in a safe and hygienic manner are documented and implemented
How you will be measured
- Procedures are documented and apply to own vehicles, customers vehicles or those used by third party contractors
- Procedures include checking vehicles to ensure they are:
- clean and free from any visible contamination
- suitable for use
- refrigerated and able to maintain product at the required temperatures
- A record of the check (including who completed the check) is kept
Transport checks
Food products must be transported in a secure manner
How you will be measured
- The container is locked when unattended or sealed
Where checks identify an issue, corrective action must be undertaken
How you will be measured
- If the vehicle was found to be of an unacceptable standard, the vehicle is not used or the issue is rectified
- Details of the issue and corrective action are recorded
Corrective actions
During transport, product must be stored in a manner that minimises the risk of contamination
How you will be measured
- Food products have no direct contact with the vehicle floor:
- exposed carcases, quarters and bone-in cuts hung
- cuts of meat packed in containers and covered
- boxed products are not placed directly on the floor (impervious pallets/ clean polythene sheeting are used)
- Wooden storage racks or pallets are not used to store “open” meat
Systems must be in place to ensure wastes are identifiable, categorised in accordance with legislation and disposed of in an appropriate manner
How you will be measured
- Wastes include inedible and condemned animal by–products
- Wastes are stored and disposed of in accordance with their categorisation
Waste must be stored in a controlled manner
How you will be measured
- There is no accumulation of waste on-site
- Wastes (including animal by-products) are stored in a manner that it does not cause contamination of product, or attract pests (within or around the production facility)
- Wastes are stored in appropriate containers i.e. animal by-products are stored in appropriately labelled, leak-proof containers
Waste must be collected regularly by licensed waste contractors and a record kept
How you will be measured
- Frequency of collection prevents accumulation and reduces the risk of contamination/ attraction of pests
- Record details transporter name, license details, destination, quantity, description and collection date
- The record may be a waste transfer note from the contractor
Waste records
Where required by legislation the site must hold an Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permit
How you will be measured
- Permits from the Environment Agency held where:
- an abattoir has a carcase production capacity of 50 tonnes/ day or more
- a site cutting and processing has a finished product capacity of 75 tonnes/ day or more
IPPC permit