
Click to view all RISK ASSESSMENT

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.

Cropping Categories Fresh Produce

Category 0
Those you can eat raw and have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 1
Those you can eat raw and which do not have a protective skin that is removed before eating; they may also have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 2
Those you can eat raw and which either have protective skin or grow clear of the ground, or that have no history of pathogen contamination.

Category 3
Those that the customer always cooks.

An up-to-date list of the crop categories can be found on the Red Tractor website.



PR.RA.1 Key


A documented risk assessment has been completed, covering all process steps for each relevant crop from site selection, drilling or planting through to packing, storage and transportation of product. All crop production processes are considered to identify any physical, chemical, allergenic or microbiological food safety risks and suitable preventative actions are implemented.

How you will be measured


All relevant crops are considered in the Risk Assessment.


All relevant process stages (including transportation of products) are included within the Risk Assessment.


All agronomic inputs (e.g. irrigation water, PPPs, etc.) are included within the risk assessment.


Any physical, chemical, microbiological or allergenic risks are clearly identified.


Preventative actions are identified within the Risk Assessment.


Microbiological, chemical and physical risks are assessed for all water used in crop production processes - with reference to: - source - distribution - application method - crop risk category


Risks associated with food fraud and malicious contamination are included within the risk assessment

Risk Assessment



The Risk Assessment includes a flow diagram of the production process and identifies the points in the process where specifically identified risks occur

How you will be measured


Risks identified in the Risk Assessment (RA.1) are highlighted appropriately on a Process Flow Diagram.


A Process Flow Diagram has been developed for each type of production.

Process Flow Diagram



Preventative actions are defined and implemented. Where Critical Control Points (CCPs) are identified, these are managed effectively.

How you will be measured


Effective implementation of preventative actions is defined


Responsibility for the implementation of preventative actions is allocated.


Any CCPs are identified by a documented process.


Personnel responsible for effective implementation of CCPs have specific, documented training.


Monitoring records are in place to demonstrate effective implementation of CCPs.


Actions to be taken in the event of a CCP failure are documented and effectively implemented.
  • Preventative Action Plan

– CCP Decision Tree
– Training Record
– CCP Monitoring Record
– CCP Failure Record



The Risk Assessment and preventative actions must be reviewed regularly and whenever processes/products change.

How you will be measured


The Risk Assessment is reviewed at least annually.


Category 0, 1 & 2 only. Risk Assessment review is documented.


Category 0, 1 & 2 only. Risk Assessment review includes looking at complaints and any relevant test results, including microbiological testing data.
  • Risk Assessment (review date)

– Record of Risk Assessment review



Risk Assessment must be performed by suitably trained staff with a wide knowledge to ensure all aspects of the process have been thoroughly assessed

How you will be measured


Staff completing Risk Assessment have wide knowledge of all areas of the business. Evidence of wide business knowledge may be demonstrable rather than documented. In most cases, it will be appropriate to involve multiple members of staff to ensure that all aspects of the operation are covered.


Category 0, 1 & 2 only. The Risk Assessment lead has received risk assessment training.

Training Record

PR.RA.6 Key


All production sites are risk assessed and deemed suitable for use.

How you will be measured


The Certification Body has been informed of any new site and it has been added to your Red Tractor membership.


All production sites are risk assessed and deemed suitable for use.


Site Risk Assessments consider the prior use of land and previous management of the site with reference to physical, chemical, microbiological and allergenic risks.


Site Risk Assessments consider any relevant risks within the production environment, including any risks in close proximity to the site that may affect food safety and risks from neighbouring production sites such as spray drift


Where risks are identified, preventative actions or mitigation steps are identified and implemented.


Risk assessments are reviewed whenever circumstances change and at least annually.

Site Risk Assessments



Members understand the Red Tractor standards and complete Internal Audits to verify their effective implementation. (REVISED)

How you will be measured


A minimum of one self-assessment per year is completed against the Red Tractor Fresh Produce scheme standards.


Category 0, 1 & 2 only. Regular Internal Audits are completed to verify that the preventative actions identified within the Risk Assessment are operating effectively.


Where non-conformances are detected, effective corrective actions are implemented
  • Internal audit (against Red Tractor Fresh Produce Standards)

– Internal Audit Report