

Version 3.4

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.



The flow of the process from intake to dispatch must be controlled in order to prevent cross contamination between production areas, by people, equipment or waste

How you will be measured

  • Restrictions are in place to minimise movement of people between dirty and clean areas
  • Where movement between dirty and clean areas occurs, risk assessed controls such as designated protective clothing and clean protective footwear are in place to reduce the risk of contamination



Systems must be in place to thaw frozen products in a controlled manner

How you will be measured

  • Thawing is undertaken in accordance with documented procedures that outline the temperature and time requirements
  • Thawing is undertaken under temperature controlled conditions that ensure the surface temperature does not exceed 7 degrees celsius for beef, lamb and pork and 4 degrees celsius for poultry

Thawing protocol



Packaging must be purchased from approved sources

How you will be measured

  • The approval system manages any risks to the site and may include supplier audits, supplier questionnaire or recognition of third party certification
  • Warranties are received for packaging that is described as food safe

Packaging approval



Packaging must be suitable for its intended use, as confirmed by up to date specifications

How you will be measured

  • Up to date specifications available for all packaging
  • The specifications detail the suitability and legality of the packaging for its intended use
  • Packaging that is in direct contact with food is food safe

Packaging specifications



A documented procedure for the receipt of packaging must be in place detailing checks that must be carried out

How you will be measured

  • Procedure sets out:
    • visual checks that must be carried out
    • certification checks that must be carried out

Documented procedures



Packaging must be stored in a suitable, clean, pest-free area

How you will be measured

  • Packaging stored separately to raw materials, chemicals and waste
  • No evidence of pest contamination or damage



Packaging must be able to be moved to the point of use, without the risk of contamination



Systems must be in place to ensure that products are packed and labelled with the correct packaging/ labelling

How you will be measured

  • A documented procedure details the system and checks that are made
    • positive release of packaging/ labels to the packing line
  • System includes:
    • before, during and at the end of a packing run, checks are made that the correct packaging and labelling is or was in use
    • following product changes, checks are made that the correct packaging and labelling is in use
    • positive release of packaging/ labels to the line
    • after the packing or labelling run, left over packaging is removed
  • The system is managed by responsible, trained persons



A risk assessed schedule of finished product testing must be in place

How you will be measured

  • A risk assessment determines the frequency of testing
  • Testing schedule is documented, along with testing methods
  • Tests may be:
    • microbiological
    • chemical e.g. fat, speciation, allergies, chemical residue limits (e.g. MRLs for Quaternary Ammonium Compounds found in cleaning chemicals)
    • quality
  • Test results are kept for 3 years

Testing schedule



Where testing identifies non-conforming products, corrective action must be implemented

How you will be measured

  • Where non-conformities are identified, the root cause is determined and corrective and preventative action is implemented where applicable
  • All relevant details are recorded and reported to senior management

Corrective action



Any testing carried out that is critical to product safety and legality, is to internationally recognised methods in appropriately accredited laboratories

How you will be measured

  • Laboratories are accredited to ISO 17025, CLAS, Lab Cred or equivalent. Accreditation is demonstrated by a current certificate
  • Applies when sites undertake testing in house or subcontracts testing

Lab certificate



Non-conforming products must be dealt with appropriately, in accordance with the site’s documented procedure

How you will be measured

  • The procedure details the action to be taken which may include re work; quarantining or rejection; destruction
  • Destruction or waste disposal is carried out in accordance with legislation
  • Non-conforming products must be clearly labelled/ identified as such
  • Where a non-conformity is in relation to safety of the product, a root cause is undertaken and all relevant details recorded

Non-conformity root cause



Systems must be in place to check the fitness of livestock for human consumption

How you will be measured

  • Food Chain Information is received and reviewed for all incoming livestock to verify livestock are not within withdrawal period
  • All incoming livestock are visually assessed for signs of disease or conditions
  • Livestock considered unfit for human consumption are rejected and handled/ disposed of accordingly



Systems must be in place to ensure that livestock are of suitable cleanliness at slaughter

How you will be measured

  • A documented Clean Livestock Policy is in place that sets out the site’s livestock cleanliness standards
  • The requirements of the policy are communicated to suppliers and all incoming livestock checked against it
  • Where the requirements of the clean livestock policy are not met at intake, corrective action is implemented

Clean livestock policy



Where the monitoring identifies suppliers failing to meet the sites requirements, corrective action must be implemented

How you will be measured

  • Corrective action is relevant to the scale and risk and may include:
    • reminding the supplier of the site requirements (verbally and formally)
    • reporting the issue to the appropriate farm assurance scheme

Corrective actions



Systems must be in place to prevent cross contamination between species on the slaughter line in multi species abattoirs

How you will be measured

  • Slaughter of different species separated by time and cleaning or space (e.g. separate slaughter lines and separation in storage)



Risk assessed systems that minimise contamination of the carcase must be implemented

How you will be measured

  • Systems in place to avoid contaminating the carcase during the bleeding and dressing (evisceration, skinning) process by:
    • use of clean, regularly sterilised knives
    • carrying out evisceration in a manner to avoid spillage of the digestive tract
    • dealing with gut bursts/ removing abscesses during the evisceration process
  • Systems in place to avoid contamination of the carcase by wastes produced on the production line
  • Systems in place to remove, test and dispose of Specified Risk Material (in accordance with legal requirements and a documented procedure)
  • The production line is designed to reduce the likelihood of carcases touching one another and prevents them touching surfaces (walls etc.) within the site



Risk assessed systems that minimise contamination of the carcase must be implemented

How you will be measured

  • Staff in contact with carcases wash hands regularly to avoid spreading contamination
  • The evisceration process design minimises contamination of the carcase. Venting is undertaken in a way that avoids the rupture of the intestinal tract
  • At appropriate points along the production line carcases are washed, inside and out, with clean potable water
  • The design of the line minimises the risk of carcases touching one another and prevents them touching surfaces (walls etc.) within the site
  • Birds are inspected post-plucking to ensure:
    • feather removal has effectively taken place
    • there is no physical damage caused by factory, farming or catching operations



Systems must be in place to identify, isolate and deal with diseased, dirty or otherwise contaminated carcases

How you will be measured

  • System includes the identification of Salmonella positive flocks
  • Salmonella positive flocks are processed in line with HACCP principles
    • measures in place so that positive carcass are kept separate from other carcases
  • Carcases are regularly checked along the production line for signs of contamination and disposed of into category 2 waste stream
  • Carcases dealt with in accordance with a documented procedure
  • Where the contamination is minor the carcase may be portioned condemned. Where more major the nature of the contamination is that the carcase cannot be made to be food safe
  • Where the carcase is condemned the root cause is investigated and appropriate corrective action implemented
  • Carcases are clean and free from contamination prior to deboning



Systems must be in place to minimise the risk of staff handling raw poultry meat coming into contact with packaging