
Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.

Cropping Categories Fresh Produce

Category 0
Those you can eat raw and have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 1
Those you can eat raw and which do not have a protective skin that is removed before eating; they may also have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 2
Those you can eat raw and which either have protective skin or grow clear of the ground, or that have no history of pathogen contamination.

Category 3
Those that the customer always cooks.

An up-to-date list of the crop categories can be found on the Red Tractor website.


To prevent product contamination from staff



Written hygiene policies and procedures must be in place, communicated to personnel and compliance monitored.

How you will be measured


Hygiene policy includes: - personnel to wash hands (with running water and non-perfumed soap) and dry hands before starting work, after breaks and after using toilets - no jewellery except for a plain wedding band, jewellery used for health reasons or religious jewellery with no stones or jewels - no rings or studs worn in exposed parts of the body - no nail varnish - no perfume or aftershave - no eating, spitting or chewing in production areas - no smoking including e-cigarettes and vaping in production areas - banning personal phones and watches in production areas has been considered (excludes supervisory staff and lone worker phones) - no excessive make-up, false nails, false eyelashes or hair extensions where they present a contamination risk


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Reporting of cuts and wounds and the use of blue, metal-detectable plasters, the issue of which is controlled and recorded.
  • Hygiene Policy

– Plaster issue record



All personnel handling fresh produce must be trained in personal hygiene requirements.

How you will be measured


Training covering all applicable requirements of the Hygiene Policy is completed as part of the induction before starting work.


Training covering all applicable requirements of the Return to Work Policy is completed as part of the induction before starting work.


Refresher training in personal hygiene requirements is completed at least annually.

Training records/agency labour training records



All visitors entering production areas must be made aware of the hygiene and Health and Safety requirements.

How you will be measured


Hygiene policy in place for visitors/contractors.


Systems in place to ensure all visitors/contractors on site have been made aware of Health and Safety requirements.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Procedure in place to ensure all visitors/contractors on site have been made aware of Hygiene Policy.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Visitors/contractors declare that they understand and will comply with the Hygiene Policy.

Visitor/contractor Hygiene Policy



Signs must be clearly displayed in the packing facilities which
describe the main hygiene instructions for workers and visitors.

How you will be measured


Signs are present and appropriately positioned, communicating main hygiene instructions.


Specific signs communicate the need to wash hands after using the toilet.



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate to the crop type being produced must be provided and maintained in good condition.

How you will be measured


Personal Protective Clothing (PPE) requirements are clearly defined by the business.


All PPE used is clean and fit for purpose.


If hair is identified as a contamination risk within the Risk Assessment, suitable head coverings are in use (and beard snoods where appropriate).


Where PPE is required to protect the product from contamination, it is captive to the business and not taken home or to employee accommodation.


Where PPE is required to protect the product from contamination, it is not worn in the smoking area or toilets.


Crop category 0 and 1 only. Where gloves are used, a glove use procedure is in place which includes: - Only intact and clean gloves are used - Glove storage - Staff to discard when torn or heavily soiled - Hand washing before and after gloves are put on


Crop category 0 only. System for managing the laundering of non-disposable overalls (where these are used to prevent product contamination and not solely for the protection of workers): - laundered by an audited contracted facility or - laundered in-house in a manner that minimises the risk of cross-contamination


There is evidence that the PPE provided is being used by the workers


Suitable changing facilities are provided where necessary. This may not be needed if PPE is worn over existing clothing
  • PPE requirement policy

– Glove use procedure
– Contract laundry audit report



Clean and maintained facilities that are accessible to all personnel and enable them to ensure an appropriate degree of personal hygiene must be provided.

How you will be measured


For every 20 workers there is a minimum of one toilet provided.


Toilets are adequately separated from the packing and storage environment.


Facilities: - provide non-perfumed soap, water, hand drying facilities (paper towels or equivalent) and toilet paper - are routinely checked to ensure soap, water and paper towel supplies are maintained - are maintained in a clean and usable condition and toilet cleaning records kept


Water used in hand washing is potable and does not pose a risk of contamination.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Hand sanitisers do not replace handwashing and have only been used after hands are washed.
  • Hygiene Policy

– Toilet cleaning records



Written procedures for reporting any infectious diseases must be in place and communicated to personnel and visitors

How you will be measured


Policy in place for all personnel returning to work after Gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses.


Policy on GI illnesses and return to work is communicated to personnel (via Hygiene Policy) and visitors/contractors (Visitor/Contractor Hygiene Policy).


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Formal recording of all incidences of GI illness is in place.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Supervisory/Management staff are trained in assessing risk.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Workers complete a Return to Work questionnaire when returning after a period of absence. A manager or supervisor reviews this questionnaire and determines whether the worker may return to work. A counter signature or equivalent record is present to verify this process has occurred.


Crop category 0 only. At least one member of staff is formally trained in assessing personnel return to work after GI illness.
  • Return to work Policy

– Hygiene policy
– Visitor/Contractor Hygiene Policy
– Return to work assessments
– Training records


To prevent product contamination from tools and equipment



Produce handling, loading, transporting, packing and storage facilities, including boxes, must be kept clean and routinely maintained to prevent product contamination.

How you will be measured


Cleaning schedules are in place that document how and when to clean all pieces of equipment.


Graders and washing equipment and vehicles which are under the member's responsibility and are being used for loading and transport of product are maintained and inspected daily when in use.


Floors are fit for purpose and gently sloped towards the drains.


Drains are cleaned periodically to prevent biofilm build-up.


Waste is disposed of at a frequency that discourages flies.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. Staff are trained in cleaning requirements.


Crop category 0, 1 and 2 only. When not in use, cleaned containers are stored in a manner that prevents the risk of contamination (e.g. from pests, birds, dust, water, etc.).


Crop category 0 and 1 only. Floors are kept as dry as possible to minimise Listeria risk.


Crop category 0 and 1 only. Pooling of water is avoided.
  • Cleaning schedules

– Cleaning records
– Grader/washing equipment/vehicle maintenance records
– Training records



Water used post-harvest in direct contact with the product (including ice) must be deemed acceptable by the Water Matrix and Risk Assessment and is stored in a clean container.

How you will be measured


Risk assessment identifies any water used in direct contact with the product.


Quality of water used meets the requirements of the Water Matrix.


Any tanks or containers used for storing water are managed to ensure that they do not introduce a microbiological risk.

Risk Assessment



Water analysis is completed by an ISO 17025 laboratory, test results are monitored and actions taken on poor results.

How you will be measured


Evidence that laboratory is accredited to ISO 17025 for microbiological testing of water.


Evidence of test results and evidence of actions taken for any adverse results.
  • Laboratory accreditation information (paper record or electronic)

– Water testing results



Chemicals and lubricants used must be authorised for food industry use and technical data sheets held and stored in a dedicated area.

How you will be measured


Technical data sheets confirm chemicals/lubricants are authorised for food industry use.


Chemicals/lubricants are stored in an appropriate secure area when not in immediate use.

Technical data sheets



Controls must be in place to protect product from contamination with any broken glass, hard plastic, wood or other foreign bodies.

How you will be measured


Glass and hard plastics are protected in areas with open product.


A Glass and Hard Plastic Policy/Procedure is in place which: - lists all glass and hard plastics in the production area on a register - register is checked monthly for accuracy - where glass and hard plastics cannot be covered regular checks (based on a frequency determined by the Risk Assessment) are made when in use to ensure there is no damage - sets out actions to be taken in the event of a glass breakage


Pre-production check sheets ensure staff check equipment and their area at the start of shift for any damage that could introduce contamination into the product.


Containers, crates and boxes are checked prior to filling.


Damaged wooden crates, pallets or trays are repaired or disposed of.


All staff are trained in how to deal with glass and hard plastic breakages and understand the Glass and Hard Plastic Policy/Procedure.
  • Glass and Hard Plastic Policy/Procedure

– Glass and hard plastic register
– Glass and hard plastic check records
– Pre-production check sheets
– Training records



Controls must be in place to prevent the risk of product contamination from knives, cutting blades, maintenance tools, gloves and any other relevant equipment.

How you will be measured


Equipment is managed to ensure that it does not represent any risk of contamination to products through loss or damage.


System to manage knives, blades and tools includes: - controlled issue and collection at end of shifts - routine inspection of blades for damage - lost items investigated

Knife issue record



Containers/crates/boxes used to store product must be dedicated for that purpose.

How you will be measured


Product containers/crates/boxes are not used to store any chemicals, waste or other debris that could contaminate product. NB: Waste does not include waste product.


To produce safe and legal product and to prevent product contamination from the general operation or packaging



Controls must be in place to ensure packaging is suitable for product, clean and free from contamination.

How you will be measured


Packaging stored in a clean area, free from any contamination risks.


Packaging checked before use.



Controls must be in place to ensure that the correct packaging and coding is applied to all packed product.

How you will be measured


When final packing takes place, product labelling is done in accordance to applicable food regulations in the country of intended sale and according to customer specifications.


Products originating from certified operations are not labelled, marked or described in a manner which implies they meet specific food criteria.

Documented controls for packaging



Equipment used for weighing or temperature control of product must be calibrated in line with equipment suppliers' recommendations and verified where deemed necessary by risk assessment.

How you will be measured


Equipment is: - uniquely identified - routinely calibrated, in line with supplier's instructions - routinely verified internally, in line with risk assessment
  • Calibration records

– Verification records



Controls must be in place to ensure that products are not contaminated with allergens.

How you will be measured


Allergens on site have been identified as part of the Risk Assessment (including lubricants).


Preventative actions are in place which prevent products being contaminated with allergens.


Staff are trained in the importance of the preventative actions and actions to be taken in the event of a failure.
  • Allergen risk assessment

– Training records



Where preventative actions cannot guarantee a product is not contaminated with a known allergen on site, the product is labelled.

How you will be measured


Identification of such products and effective labelling in place.

Product labels



It is recommended that forklifts and other driven equipment used within the packhouse are maintained to avoid product contamination, with special attention given to emissions