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Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)
Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification
New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to
Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before
Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard
Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.
This icon indicates that a record is required.
Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.
All birds must be transported by transporters registered with the Red Tractor Poultry Scheme
Each vehicle must carry a written statement of maximum stocking density
How you will be measured
- The statement details the maximum number of birds by weight band to be transported
TC.CT.c Key
The driver must be competent and trained in the handling and welfare of poultry
All vehicles have a written Emergency Action Plan
How you will be measured
- Plan details what procedures should be followed in the case of fire, accident or traffic congestion, contact numbers for breakdown services and processing plants
- Emergency Action Plan
Drivers have the means of mobile communication with the farm and/or processing plant
The time between start of loading and end of unloading at the processing plant must not exceed twelve hours
How you will be measured
- Time calculated from when first bird is loaded into crate to when last bird is unloaded at the processing plant (per vehicle)
Journeys must be planned in advance to minimise waiting times
How you will be measured
- Driver ensures the welfare of birds is not compromised by insufficient co-ordination of different parts of the journey and the weather conditions are taken into account
Birds must be transported in modular systems which must be placed as close as possible to the group being caught
How you will be measured
- Care taken not to crush or damage birds when placing modules/ crates
Urine & faeces must not fall directly onto birds below when modules are stacked on top of each other on a vehicle
How you will be measured
- Module tops are solid
Action must be taken to prevent heat or cold stress from occurring
How you will be measured
- Standard applies to vehicles in motion and stationary vehicles
- Protection is available for use in the winter months
- Measures are in place to protect the birds from heat stress in periods of high temperature and humidity
- The adoption of power-ventilated vehicles or a reduction in crate/ module stocking density has been considered
- Contingency measures are in place to provide emergency natural ventilation if required
Vehicles must be maintained so not to pose a risk of injury to birds
How you will be measured
- Vehicles:
- prevent birds escaping or falling out
- withstand stresses of movement
- ensure air quality can be maintained
- provide access to birds to allow them to be inspected
- provide lighting e.g. a torch held on the vehicle, sufficient for inspection of birds
Transport crates must be maintained in good condition so not to pose a risk of injury to birds
How you will be measured
- Any sharp edges or protrusions with which animals may come into contact must be removed entirely
The haulier must retain records for traceability purposes and these must be kept for two years
How you will be measured
- Records include:
- date of movement
- farm of origin and its scheme registration number
- destination
- number of birds transported
- mortalities
- start of loading and end of loading time
- start of journey and end of journey time
- vehicle identification
- register of complaints and any action taken
- Haulage records