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Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)
Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification
New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to
Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before
Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard
Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.
This icon indicates that a record is required.
Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.
Controls must be in place to ensure that only authorised personnel have access to the site
How you will be measured
- Visitors to the site report into central office/ reception before being given access to the site and entering production areas
- Visitors are given clear instructions on where they may go when on-site or are accompanied
- Controls may include site security staff, lock/ card accessed facilities
The site must have documented and communicated standards setting out the hygiene requirements for personnel
How you will be measured
- Personnel include, but is not limited to, staff, visitors and contractors
- Hygiene requirements are communicated through visitor sign in forms/ posters/ staff handbooks/ induction training, etc.
- The hygiene requirements cover the hygiene standards (including methods or order of dressing), jewellery policies and movement restrictions or hygiene requirements when moving between production areas
Hygiene standards
The site must have documented and implemented personnel hygiene standards
How you will be measured
- Hygiene standards adhered to at all times by personnel entering food production areas
- The hygiene standards include the requirement for personnel to:
- keep fingernails short, clean and free of nail varnish. No false fingernails are worn
- not wear perfume, aftershave or excessive make up
- cover cuts and sores with blue, waterproof, metal detectable dressings
- wash and sanitise hands and exposed forearms on entry and exit to food production areas, and in abattoirs as needed during the evisceration process at a frequency appropriate to the risk of contamination
- wash protective clothing e.g. aprons at a frequency appropriate to the risk of contamination
The site must have a documented and implemented personnel jewellery policy
How you will be measured
- The policy requires personnel in the food production and storage areas to not wear jewellery, with the exception of:
- a plain wedding band
- jewellery for medical or religious reasons, if a risk assessment has shown minimal risk to food safety and the jewellery is not exposed
Jewellery policy
Systems are in place to avoid personnel introducing contaminants from outside of the production area
How you will be measured
- Captive footwear is washed on entrance and exit of food production areas
- Where movement between clean and dirty areas occurs, controls such as a change in protective clothing and footwear are in place
The site’s policy for staff bringing their own-food onto site and how that food must be stored, must be documented and communicated
How you will be measured
- The policy details how allergens are managed and the storage facilities available to staff
Own food policy
The health requirements of the site must be outlined to personnel prior to commencing work, or visitors entering food production areas
How you will be measured
- New employees include those employed seasonally or temporarily
- Visitors to an abattoir may include hauliers or farmers delivering livestock
A completed health questionnaires or medical certificates are held for all personnel before entry to food production or storage areas
How you will be measured
- Completed questionnaires or certificates held for staff
- Completed questionnaires held for visitors
- Questionnaires/ copies of certificates kept for 3 years
Questionnaires/ certificates
Illness and disease of people entering a food production or storage area or likely to come into contact with food must be dealt with in accordance with the relevant Food Standards Agency regulatory guidance note (or equivalent)
How you will be measured
- Sufferers or carriers (employees, visitors or contractors) of a disease likely to be transmitted through food or afflicted, with infected wounds, skin infections, sores or diarrhoea, do not handle food or enter any food-handling area if there is any likelihood of direct or indirect contamination
- Any employee that comes into direct contact with food and is suffering from an illness or symptoms of the above report it (and the possible causes) to their manager
- An affected employee will not return to work (and come into contact with meat) until they have had 48 hours clear from the symptoms of their illness or symptoms, unless they are given written medical clearance by a GP
- The site holds an electronic or printed copy of the FSA’s ‘Food Handlers: Fitness to Work – Regulatory Guidance and Best Practice Advice For Food Business Operators 2009’ (as amended)
FSA guidance
The site must have documented and communicated standards setting out the protective clothing requirements for personnel
How you will be measured
- Personnel include (but is not limited to) staff, visitors and contractors
- Protective clothing requirements are outlined in visitor sign in forms/ posters/ staff handbooks/ induction training, etc.
Protective clothing requirements
Personnel must wear company issued, suitable and clean protective clothing and footwear correctly at all times whilst in food production and storage areas
How you will be measured
- A supply of company issued, clean clothing is available and is worn by staff, visitors and contractors
- Protective clothing is not a contamination risk in itself (i.e. no loose threads, buttons, external pockets)
- The clothing requirements depend on the person’s role and may include light coloured coats, headwear, hair covers covering hair and ears and snoods for beards and moustaches
- protective clothing worn in high care areas are of a design that fasten to the neck, covering all under clothing
- Footwear provided can be effectively cleaned. Overshoes may be used. Clogs may be used provided they can be effectively cleaned
- Personal clothing is not worn over or outside of protective clothing
- Protective clothing is not worn externally to the factory building
Protective clothing must be cleaned regularly to ensure it is not a source of contamination
How you will be measured
- Clothing must be regularly collected and cleaned
- Laundry of protective clothing may be undertaken in house or by an external laundry facility. Staff do not launder their own protective clothing away from the site
- Where protective clothing is not suitable for laundering (e.g. chainmail, gloves and aprons), they are cleaned at a frequency appropriate to the level of contamination during production (i.e. rinsed) and cleansed and disinfected/ sterilised as regularly as needed to minimise the risk of cross contamination
Where protective clothing is laundered on site, documented procedures are implemented
How you will be measured
- Procedures detail the wash cycle requirements i.e. times and temperatures
Washing procedures
Training must be given to all employees to ensure they are trained and competent to perform their role
How you will be measured
- Nobody starts work without an induction and supervision
- A documented plan which identifies what training is required for which role
- Where necessary training is given in different languages
- For roles which impact on Critical Control Points, specific training is given and a level of competency is established prior to being left to complete the task unsupervised
- Where training needs to be undertaken on the job, the employee is signed off as competent before being left to work unsupervised
Training plan, on the job training sign-off
The ongoing performance of staff must be monitored and updates or refresher training given as needed
How you will be measured
- Training needs for each role and employee are reviewed and where needed updates are given
Records of training must be kept
How you will be measured
- A training record is available for all, including:
- name
- start date
- training given
- date of training
- duration of training
- training provider
- ongoing performance monitoring results or appraisals
- Where staff are trained to undertake specific tasks, this is listed in the record
- Records kept for at least 3 years after staff member has left employment
- Training records include any relevant certificates of competency or licences held by the individual
Training record
Managers, teams and other persons with positions of accountability must be able to demonstrate continuous professional development
How you will be measured
- They have access to external technical support and information, current relevant legislation and codes of practice
- They attend training/ information events
Training record