
Machinery/equipment policy

Version 4.0

Click to view all Machinery/equipment policy

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.


To avoid and manage risks from tools and equipment



All cleaning and disinfection of tools, planting, harvesting, grading and packing equipment, containers, crates, boxes, trailers, transport vehicles and stores must be recorded.

How you will be measured

  • Cleaning must be done using a water source with no associated bacterial pathogen risk e.g. mains water or bore hole water or well water or rainwater as detailed in Appendix 2.
  • Cleaning and disinfection procedures are used as detailed in Appendix 1.
  • Only validated disinfectant chemicals with proven activity against ring rot, Dickeya and brown rot are used as detailed in Appendix 1.
  • Records must detail:

•Name / identification of equipment
•Date of cleaning/ disinfection operation (s)
•Source of water used
•Cleaning agent and disinfectant used
•Name and signature of operative

·         Cleaning / disinfection records



It is recommended that Safe Haven Assured members’ own tools, planting, harvesting, grading and packing equipment, containers, crates and boxes is cleaned and disinfected before use.

  • Cleaning / disinfection records



Containers, crates and boxes used to store and transport Safe Haven Assured seed potatoes must be dedicated to that use.

How you will be measured

  • Either a signed declaration that boxes, crates or containers have never been used for potatoes produced outside the Safe Haven Assured production unit.
  • Or seed and ware potatoes are transported from the Safe Haven Assured production unit in non-returnable containers.
  • Or before leaving the Safe Haven production unit an annual written assurance must be obtained from the packer / other outside Safe Haven Assured production unit that these boxes will not be used for handling other potatoes before being returned. Boxes sent outside the Safe Haven Assured production unit must be clearly labelled to identify the Safe Haven grower /business.
  • Or boxes, crates and containers are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before use (see Standard 11)
  • Any boxes used for waste / brock must be clearly labelled and dedicated to that use only.
  • Signed declaration
  • Purchase invoices for non returnable containers
  • Written assurance from packer or outside production unit
  • Cleaning/disinfection records