
Click to view all IRRIGATION

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.

Cropping Categories Fresh Produce

Category 0
Those you can eat raw and have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 1
Those you can eat raw and which do not have a protective skin that is removed before eating; they may also have a significant risk or history of pathogen contamination.

Category 2
Those you can eat raw and which either have protective skin or grow clear of the ground, or that have no history of pathogen contamination.

Category 3
Those that the customer always cooks.

An up-to-date list of the crop categories can be found on the Red Tractor website.


To manage and mitigate risks to crop from water used in crop production



Water used in crop production (irrigation, mixing of fertiliser and PPPs, crop and equipment washing) must be tested at a frequency which is in response to the Risk Assessment and in line with the Water Matrix Appendix.

How you will be measured


Microbiological testing frequency is dependent on crop category.


Water is tested for E. coli.


E. coli thresholds are dependent on crop category - further information can be found in the Water Matrix Appendix.


Growers are aware of any critical values expected by their customers.



Controls and test results must be kept, regularly reviewed and any improvement action taken must be recorded for all water used in crop production (irrigation, mixing of fertiliser and PPPs, crop and equipment washing).

How you will be measured


Water test results are available.


There is evidence of corrective action being taken in response to results where required, in accordance with the Water Matrix.

Water test results



Analysis of irrigation water is completed by a UKAS accredited laboratory (or another ISO 17025 standard) with E. coli testing of water samples within the scope of accreditation.

How you will be measured


Accreditation of the laboratory can be demonstrated through documentation or electronically (e.g. through a website).

Evidence of laboratory accreditation

PR.IG.2 Key


Untreated sewage water must not be used

How you will be measured


No evidence that untreated sewage water (defined as water contaminated with human and/or municipal waste) has been used on crop production sites.


Water use on-farm is optimised and sustainable



A documented Water Management Plan must be produced and used to identify opportunities for water use efficiency and reducing waste.

How you will be measured


A Water Management Plan is in place.


Plan identifies opportunities to optimise water efficiency - examples may include: - computer modelling of crop's water requirements - irrigating at night - maintenance plans to reduce possibility of leakage - storage of winter storm water - collection and re-use of some water, such as from glasshouse roofs and winter rainfall - water audit

Water management plan



It is recommended that the Water Management Plan gives consideration to participation in collaborative water management activities with neighbouring stakeholders (NEW)



Crop irrigation must be based on an identified need.

How you will be measured


Irrigation need is identified by reference to suitable data sources - examples include: - moisture measurement - scheduling (where appropriate) - physical inspection - weather station data



Records must be kept of irrigation water usage.

How you will be measured


Primary source of each application identified.


Volume and timing recorded.

Irrigation records



Licenses are in place where required for water used on farm.

How you will be measured


A valid licence or permit is in place for use of any ground water or surface water used for irrigation.


Any licensing conditions (e.g. permitted volume or timing of abstraction) are complied with.