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Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)
Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification
New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to
Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before
Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard
Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.
This icon indicates that a record is required.
Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.
Dedicated high care production facilities must be in place in order to prevent contamination risks
How you will be measured
- Facility physically separated from low care production areas
- Segregation applies to the flow of product and materials such as packaging, equipment, personnel, waste airflow, air quality and utilities such as drains
- Own dedicated entry into production
Dedicated facilities for employees working in high care production facilities must be in place in order to prevent contamination risks
How you will be measured
- Dedicated high care changing facilities
- Dedicated boot washing facilities
- Dedicated hand wash facilities
Personnel who enter or work in high care areas must be provided with dedicated, clean high care protective clothing and footwear
How you will be measured
- Clothing provided is colour coded or easily distinguishable to the area
- Clothing provides protection around the neck area
- Facilities are provided for dirty/ worn protective clothing from high care areas which prevent them coming into contact with dirty/ worn protective clothing from low risk areas
Dedicated high care production equipment must be in use in order to prevent contamination risks
How you will be measured
- All equipment in use is never used in low care facility
A hygiene management system that prevents the risk of high care production areas being contaminated by low care production areas must be in place
How you will be measured
- System includes:
- listeria swabbing of the high care area, to a risk assessed schedule
- The high care areas having:
- dedicated cleaning facilities
- dedicated cleaning equipment
- dedicated cleaning chemicals and chemical storage areas
- dedicated cleaning staff
Systems must be in place to ensure all maintenance tools used in the high care area are clean
How you will be measured
- Routinely used maintenance tools are dedicated to the high care area
- Rarely or occasionally used tools may be shared with the low care areas, provided they are cleaned and sanitised prior to entering the high care area
Cooked meats must be packed in a way to maintain integrity and safety during storage and transport
How you will be measured
- Double packed during transport
Cooked meats must be stored in a dedicated cooked meat storage area with no opportunity for contact with open or packed raw meats
How you will be measured
No raw meats in cooked meat storage area
Cooked meats must be segregated during transport in a manner that prevents product or packaging coming into contact with open or packed raw meat
How you will be measured
- Where a vehicle has been used to transport open raw meat the vehicle is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected before being used for packed cooked meats