
Click to view all Complaints Procedure

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.



Participants must document the procedure for handling customer complaints. This procedure must include systems for: i) Recording the characteristics of complaints. ii) Allocating responsibility for managing complaints. iii) Recording the name of complaining customers. iv) Recording the feed ingredients under complaint. v) Investigating the causes of complaints. vi) Recording any actions taken to address complaints. vii) Recording correspondence with customers with regard to complaints.



With due regard to the seriousness and frequency of complaints, corrective actions must be carried out in a timely and effective manner.



Where appropriate, complaint information must be used to avoid recurrence and implement ongoing improvements



Wherever possible, complaints must be resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.



Participants must develop a documented recall procedure that ensures customers can be informed promptly in the event of any irregularity that may adversely affect oilseed meal safety



The recall procedure must detail responsibilities and include actions to be implemented in the event of a recall.



As part of the recall procedure, all relevant contacts must be listed and kept up-todate. Contacts listed must include the Competent Authorities to be notified in the following circumstances: i) In the event of a serious safety risk. ii) When legal limits are exceeded and national legislation requires notification.



Recall procedures must include systems for: i) Identifying the non-conforming oilseed meal batch / lot ii) Identifying the location of affected batches / lots. iii) Management of returned oilseed meal, including segregation from other products. iv) Recording the destination of any recalled products.



Products that have been recalled may only be reprocessed or otherwise put back into circulation following formal assessment that it is both legal and safe to do so. Records must be kept of any such assessment.