

Version 4.1


Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.



Catching teams must sign-in immediately on arrival at the farm

How you will be measured

  • The nominated member of the catching team signs in each member of the team on arrival – recording date, time of arrival, name of each member and a reference code of the catching team, company and Red Tractor Assurance number
  • Each member of the catching team also certifies that they are not suffering from any enteric illnesses



Catching teams must maintain records of all farms visited within the past 6 months

  • Records detailing farm addresses, members of catching team who attended/ regerence code of the catching team, vehicles and catching equipment used



Immediately after signing in catching teams must make themselves aware of the defined biosecure areas on the farm

How you will be measured

  • Only after this has been done do members of the catching team begin to enter the biosecure area

KC.BC.d Key


Dedicated clothing and footwear must be worn by all on entry to each bird area at partial depopulation

How you will be measured

  • disposable clothing or clothing which is washed between farms is worn
  • dedicated boots must be worn and cleansed and disinfected between bird houses using a Defra-approved disinfectant

KC.BC.e Key


Dedicated clothing and footwear must be worn by all on entry to the biosecure area at full depopulation

How you will be measured

  • disposable clothing or clothing which is washed between farms is worn
  • boots are able to be cleaned and disinfected (i.e. are rubber) and are thoroughly washed, scrubbed and disinfected using a Defra-approved disinfectant between farms

KC.BC.f Key


Footdips must be used by all on each entry to the biosecure area

KC.BC.g Key


Hands must be washed or sanitised on every entry to each house

KC.BC.h Key


Only essential vehicles must enter the biosecure area e.g. poultry transport lorry, vehicles containing essential equipment, clean company vehicles

How you will be measured

  • personal transport is not considered as an essential vehicle and remains parked outside the biosecure area
  • for breaks catchers use the facilities provided by the farm or a clean company vehicle which has been disinfected on entry to the biosecure area

KC.BC.i Key


Footdips must be used by all on entry and exit to each poultry house

KC.BC.j Key


Footwear must be visibly clean before using a new footdip when moving to a new house



The loading area provided must be used for loading birds



Catching equipment, including catchers’ transport and mechanical harvesting equipment, must arrive on-farm clean and disinfected

How you will be measured

  • Visual inspection made and documented
  • Record held of the cleanliness of catching equipment on arrival



Catching equipment, including catchers’ transport and mechanical harvesting equipment, must be cleaned and disinfected prior to leaving the farm.

How you will be measured

  • Cleaning & disinfection on site must be documented
  • Catching equipment can be taken to an off-site location to be cleaned and disinfected, but only if it moves directly from the farm to the off-site location. This must also be documented
  • Record held of when and where cleaning & disinfection took place



Smoking, eating and drinking must be carried out only in designated areas

How you will be measured

  • hands are washed or sanitised directly before and after smoking, eating or drinking



Staff must not keep or have contact with other poultry or any avian species



If there are any concerns about the biosecurity provisions or facilities provided by the farm they must be raised with the nominated person of the catching team who must raise them with the farm manager/ company

  • Record of any issues raised with farm manager