

Version 3.0


Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.


Effective biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of disease and protect food safety and animal health

TP.BI.1 Key


Biosecurity is upheld by demonstrably competent persons

How you will be measured

  • Staff have understanding of the importance of biosecurity
  • Relevant staff have understanding of:
    • biosecurity risks to different farms
    • what an effective cleanse and disinfection of a vehicle looks like



The requirements of the Cleansing and Disinfection Order 2003 must be known by key staff

How you will be measured

  • A copy (printed or electronic) is held in the business office
  • Management and persons delivering training have an understanding in its requirements

Copy of C&D Order


Livestock transport vehicles must be effectively cleaned to reduce the risk of disease transmission between farms - APPLICABLE TO ALL MEMBERS

TP.BI.2 Key


Livestock transport vehicles must be effectively cleansed and disinfected after use

How you will be measured

  • Where cattle and sheep are delivered to any site (including, markets, collection centres, abattoirs, farms or shows) they are thoroughly cleansed and disinfected after each load, and within 24 hours of delivery or before the next load
    • except where the same vehicle is used to make repeat journeys between the same two sites on one day, where cleansing and disinfection is required within 24 hours of delivery of the last load of the day, or before the next load



Livestock vehicles used to transport pigs must be cleansed and disinfected before leaving the site of unloading

How you will be measured

  • Where pigs are delivered to a market, collection centre or abattoir, the vehicle is cleansed and disinfected after each delivery and before leaving the site
    • where pigs are delivered to farms, shows, or other sites without effective wash facilities, they are thoroughly cleansed and disinfected after each load, and within 24 hours of delivery or before the next load

TP.BI.3 Key


A vehicle wash facility must be available and useable during all times of the year that livestock vehicles are in use/ a system must be in place to effectively wash livestock vehicles within a timely manner

How you will be measured

  • Facilities are available at either the hauliers yard, or an external wash facility
  • Year-round operating businesses have access to wash facilities during normal winter and freezing conditions
  • Facility available for use at all times or times known by drivers



Suitable equipment to enable effective cleansing must be carried on each vehicle

How you will be measured

  • Equipment may include, but is not limited to shovels, brushes, scrapers



Where external wash facilities are used, a written agreement must be in place

How you will be measured

  • The agreement outlines:
    • the times that the facility can be used
    • the disinfectant provided
    • the equipment provided

External facility agreement



Records of cleansing and disinfection must be kept

How you will be measured

  • Records for each vehicle kept (either centrally or on the vehicle)
  • Record covers cleansing and disinfection in own facilities as well as in externally managed facilities (e.g. abattoirs)
  • Records kept for 6 months

C&D records


Clear guidance on how to effectively cleanse and disinfect vehicles is available to relevant staff



Work instructions provided to and understood by all staff who undertake cleansing and disinfection of vehicles

How you will be measured

  • Work instruction details where, when and how to cleanse and disinfect vehicles
  • The work instruction lists the circumstances in which dirty vehicles may be brought back to the business’s own facilities


Effective vehicle wash facilities are in place or accessible, to ensure vehicles do not pose a biosecurity risk - APPLICABLE TO MEMBERS OPERATING THEIR OWN WASH FACILITIES



Vehicle wash facilities must be well-managed

How you will be measured

  • Responsible person contactable during the hours the facility is open
  • Bays are left clean and tidy after use
  • There are systems in place to investigate issues raised by users



The wash facility must be designed and operated to allow effective cleansing of vehicles and avoidance of cross contamination

How you will be measured

  • The area is:
    • on hard-standing (concrete, tarmac or similar)
    • well-drained, with a suitable gradient that allows water to drain out and away from the vehicle (note: a bund between the tailboard and wheels or similar system that delivers the same outcome is acceptable)
  • The location of the facility poses no risk of cross contamination to livestock



For sites that receive deliveries of pigs, systems must be in place to prevent cross contamination between clean and dirty vehicles

How you will be measured

  • Where multiple wash bays are in use, systems are in place to avoid cross contamination between dirty and clean vehicles by direct water spray e.g. use of bays separated by time, space or physical barriers The definition of separation by space allows for internal cleansing to be undertaken in a bay, in close proximity to another vehicle, but for the final, external cleanse and disinfection to be undertaken once the vehicle has pulled forward from the bay and there is space between it and other vehicles



Suitable, functioning equipment must be available for use at the vehicle wash facility

How you will be measured

  • Equipment:
    • is dedicated to the wash facility
    • is useable in normal winter and freezing conditions, for the area
    • is suitable for the type of vehicles that come onto site (i.e. able to reach the top deck of a multi deck lorry as applicable)
    • is capable of providing sufficient volume or pressure of water to clean the vehicle
    • includes lighting that enables the exterior of the vehicle to be seen (if the facility is used in the dark)



An adequate supply of water must be available for use at the vehicle wash facility

How you will be measured

  • Water is available, except in extreme weather conditions
  • When a site is used in winter months, its water supply is protected/ useable in normal winter frosts



Suitable detergents and disinfectants must be available for use along with application equipment at the vehicle wash facility

How you will be measured

  • Disinfectants used are relevant to the species, disease risk and movement license requirements
  • Disinfectants are diluted in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and where applicable at General Orders Rates
  • Chemical datasheets for disinfectants on-site are easily accessible to relevant staff



It is recommended that sufficient wash bays are provided

How you will be measured

  • Sufficient for the number of vehicles that come onto the site, so that all vehicles can cleanse and disinfect onsite
  • Sufficient to cope with peaks in demand



Wastes from the vehicle washing facility must be stored and disposed of appropriately

How you will be measured

  • Dirty water is stored in a non-permeable store
  • Bedding materials and manure are stored on a concrete (or similar surface that can be cleansed and disinfected) pending disposal. Run-off is controlled/ collected



Animal derived wastes must be disposed of appropriately

How you will be measured

  • Wastes are disposed of:
    • via a licensed waste collector for destruction or treatment
    • where appropriate disposed to mains systems, or an Environment Agency (or equivalent) approved route
    • to land; where the land is under the members control:
  • livestock cannot access the land used for spreading waste
  • waste is not spread within 50 m of a watercourse
  • Where the land is under a third parties control (i.e. a farmer) they are made aware of the biosecurity risks
  • Disposal records (include method, dates, volume) kept

Waste disposal records