

Version 3.4

Key – Those standards which have greater significance (all other standards are normal)

Recommendation – Those which do not affect certification

New – A completely new standard which the member must now adhere to

Revised – A standard that has changed and requires the member to take some different or additional action to before

Upgraded – The standard has been upgraded to a Key standard or from a Recommendation to a full standard

Appendix – Referenced in ‘How you will be measured’. Indicates that additional information is provided in the Appendices, which are available at the end of each section.

This icon indicates that a record is required.

Where to find help – at the end of each section we have indicated where you can get extra guidance if you need it.



The meat and ingredients used in assured pork sausages meet the scheme’s requirements including maximum permitted limits

How you will be measured

  • All pork and pork ingredients (including fat and rinds) used are Red Tractor assured (or equivalent) and meet the pork quality attributes
  • Pork is either fresh or frozen
  • The meat content of a pork sausage is at least 52%, with the definition of meat being as defined in legislation. The meat content may include:
    • fat up to 30%
    • connective tissue up to 25% collagen/ protein ratio
    • neck end/ jowl meat up to 10% (unless trimmed of all glands) e.g. maximum of 5.2% in a 52% pork content sausage
    • rinds, or dehydrated rinds that have been rehydrated in line with manufacturer’s instructions up to 10% e.g. maximum of 5.2% in a 52% pork content sausage
  • Other ingredients used in pork sausages are used in accordance with legal requirements. Ingredients may include:
    • a maximum of 1.38g salt or 550mg sodium per 100g of raw sausage meat; with the product range average not exceeding 1.13g salt or 450mg sodium per 100g sausages
    • added Phosphate (E450, E451, E452) up to 0.5% of the total recipe
    • natural and artificial colours up to legislative limits
    • the use of preservatives permitted by legislation
    • the use of preservative sulphur dioxide up to 450ppm of the final product at point of sale
  • Natural or artificial casings are used. Natural casings do not need to derive from an assured source



Non-permitted ingredients are not used in the production of assured pork sausages

How you will be measured

  • Non-permitted ingredients include:
    • head meat (with the exception of masseters)
    • liver skirts
    • blood products
    • offal
    • mechanically separated meat
    • monosodium glutamate
    • functional proteins and fat emulsions
    • non assured meat, trim, rinds or fat
    • meat, trim or fat from species other than pigs



Bacon raw material brought in from a different site must be Red Tractor assured (or equivalent)

How you will be measured

  • Where the site is assembling component packs e.g. pigs in blankets, only the clauses contained within the Red Tractor Pork Quality Module (Assured Pork Sausages) (or equivalent) appropriate to the process being undertaken shall apply



Pork sausages must be produced to a documented recipe

How you will be measured

  • Recipe details all ingredients used, including casings
  • Ingredients used are permitted by the scheme standards




For each sausage type produced, a recipe and methodology is documented and followed

How you will be measured

  • Sausage meat is ground by mincing or bowl chopping and mixed together with other ingredients to a documented recipe with a documented methodology
  • Methods used ensure the quality requirements are achieved
  • The methodology is appropriate to the recipe and specifies equipment to be used, the frequency of mincing, and quantities of ingredients, etc. to be added
  • Recipes and methodologies may be customer led or be specific to the company
  • Methodologies may apply to multiple recipes

Recipe methodology



Pork sausages must meet the required visual, colour, texture and flavour characteristics

How you will be measured

  • Raw sausages will:
    • have visible particles of raw meat
    • be well formed, cylinder in shape
    • not have excessive drip
    • be free from off-odours
  • Cooked sausages will:
    • have an even, light brown colour
    • retain their original shape, with no splitting or significant shrinkage
    • have a firm texture, with absence of hard particles (bone, gristle) and excessive fat
    • have a well-balanced flavour and no metallic taste, off-flavours and taints



For each sausage type produced, a quality specification is documented and followed

How you will be measured

  • Specification details quality parameters to be checked on the production line, including appearance, packing requirements and temperature
  • Specifications agreed formally with customers
  • Specifications are easily available to staff




Anticipated cooking losses must be established and documented for each recipe

How you will be measured

  • The product is cooked as per the recipe instructions, to achieve an internal core temperature of 72˚C
  • The cooking loss is established using the following calculation:

Finished cooked (+72°c) weight ÷ Raw weight x 100 = total cooked weight % (difference up to 100 = % cook loss)

Anticipated cooking losses



Finished, raw assured pork sausages meet legal and scheme requirements for microbiological limits, enabling the labelled shelf life to be achieved

How you will be measured

  • The following specification is met. The specification may not be appropriate to sausages containing raw vegetables, herbs, etc. Where that is the case the site has set its own targets and limits

Target Limit
ACC <5 x 104 cfu/ g <5 x 106 cfu/ g
Yeast/ moulds <5 x 103 cfu/ g <5 x 104 cfu/ g
E. coli <50 cfu/ g 5 x 102 cfu/ g
Salmonella Absent in 5, 10g samples Absent in 5, 10g samples



Monitoring must be undertaken to ensure assured pork sausages are produced in accordance with the recipe, specifications and scheme’s quality requirements

How you will be measured

  • All recipes are verified prior to use and at a risk assessed frequency going forward
  • Samples of finished products are tested:
    • at a risk assessed frequency for microbiological criteria and chemical analysis for meat, fat and salt and sulphur dioxide content
    • against organoleptic criteria at least monthly
  • Systems of verification include:
    • NPD trials
    • traceability of raw materials
    • organoleptic testing, including taste panels
    • microbiological and chemical analysis testing
    • review of completed process records
  • Records of monitoring are kept

Recipe verification, monitoring results



Pork sausages not meeting the quality attributes must not be marketed as assured and must be handled appropriately

How you will be measured

  • Non-conforming products are handled in accordance with documented procedures
  • Non-conformities are trended and where they are repeated a root cause analysis is undertaken and corrective action implemented
  • Records are kept



Pork and trim for sausages must be used within kill +4 days unless specific exemptions apply

How you will be measured

  • Vacuum packed, gas flushed or deep chilled products may be processed after the 4 days, provided the temperature does not exceed 3 degrees and shelf life verification demonstrates quality is not compromised
  • Sensory evaluation is used to determine shelf life



During the preparation of sausages, the mix temperature must be managed to ensure a temperature of 7 degrees is not exceeded



After filling, finished packed sausages must be transferred to temperature controlled environments without delay



Finished packed sausages must be chilled to less than 4°C within 4 hours of final pack and stored between -2 degrees and +4 degrees whilst on site



Temperatures must be regularly monitored in accordance with documented schedules

How you will be measured

  • Temperatures of both chill stores and products monitored in accordance with a risk assessed schedule
  • Checks are made during sausage preparation, filling and during storage
  • Records of temperature monitoring kept

Monitoring schedule, results



Where temperature monitoring identifies non-conforming products, the root cause is identified and the product dealt with appropriately

How you will be measured

  • Corrective actions are implemented where appropriate
  • A record of the root cause and corrective actions is kept

Corrective action